Monday, May 04, 2009

The passing of Rabbi Yitzchak Zwebner z"l

We mourn the passing of Rabbi Yitzchak Zwebner Z"L, husband of Rella Zwebner.

The funeral will take place today Erev Shabbat May 1, 7 Iyar, at 3:30 PM at the Sanhedria Funeral Parlor. Shiva details to follow.

Rabbi Yitchak Zwebner, 6th generation Yerushalmi, was born in Jerusalem in 1914 and lived in Meah Sheraim. He studied in Lifshitz Teachers Seminar and received Semicha from Harav Zvi Pesach Frank, well known posek and Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem.

He began his career by teaching religious Yemenite children in pre-State Sejera (now Ilania) where Ben Gurion lived. In 1937 he went to England to continue his studies and received his B.Ed. from the University.of Glasgow.

While Yitzchak was in Chutz LaAretz, his father Avraham-Haim, who had been elected to the First Knesset, Hebraicized his name to Shag. Yitzchak kept his original name. In 1943 he married Rella Hofstadter who had come to London from Czechoslovakia as a refugee. His first Rabbinic position was as a Reverend in Maida Vale Synagogue in London. In 1952, the Zwebners left for South Africa where Yitzchak served as a Rabbi in Nigel, Krugersdorp and Johannesburg. In 1966 he was appointed Chief Rabbi of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). In 1976, the Zwebners returned to Israel and settled in Bayit Vegan. Rabbi Zwebner joined Jerusalem College of Technology (Machon Lev) where he established their South African Public Relations Department.

In 1980 they accepted a request from the community of Somerset West in Cape Town to be the Rabbi and join the Bet Din. They returned to

Israel in 1985 when they joined the Hovevei Zion synagogue.

His brother, David Zwebner. HYD was among the Lamed Hey who were killed in attempt to break through the siege of Gush Etzyon (January 14, 1948).

Rabbi Zwebner, who possessed flawless nusach, was a talented Baal Koreh and was always available to layn, daven for the amud or give a shiur.

He is survived by his wife Rella and his children

Shulamith and Yehuda Berman, Efrat

David & Ronit Zwebner, Jerusalem

Michael & Deborah Zwebner, Bet Shemesh

Jonty & Janet Zwebne,r Bet Shemesh

and many grandchildren and great grandchildren

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